Saturday, May 20, 2006

notes 5.20.2006 19:34

if there's one thing i've missed it's unconditional love. yeah, evryone talks about and around it, but very few actually understand how dependandant we are on it for our health.

our bodies are small eco-systems living on tolerances, tolerances of operation. of metabolic intake, exertion, impression expression creativity and nurturing,

not only must we maintain our own tolerances, but we must actively seek to telerate others, usually one particular other, a soulmate.

just as any fish caught seeks to thrash loose the hook, so we fight against the world, jumping in and out of the waters of reality as the line grows shorter and the tension higher. until at some point we're brought onboard, too weary from the struggle to do more than gasp.

Who was the fisherman that tested our natural instincts ? How will they handle us ? Who was the farmer that planted us at the mercy of the skies ?

Folks it's all nice and happy to believe you are in charge of yourselves, but don't be so foolish to think you can ever be more than who you are. That is unless you remember that someone else you bond with that helps you grow.
