Tuesday, March 28, 2006

placed under observation

in this case both individuals were not tested under the correct standard. neither could respond effectively to an emergency situation, the 'blind spot' and therefore 'substantially at risk'.

let us attend

what is wisdom ? is it in this blog ?

this blog is just about trying to really see things and owning the perspective that things are seen from. very simple things.

just like using flint to create simple tools.

just like the new self help books.

it's all a matter of flensing the bone or whatever metaphor you choose and then rebuilding and documenting the rebuilding so that the multidimensional road map can be restablished. that's all.

texture, flavor, color, tone is all an organic process: grown. it's not a logical process. growth has to be cultivated.

plan for the worst but expect the best

anecdotal evidence suggest that rebalancing serotonin imbalance can feel like a slight electrical current is running through the body. that sounds like a raw nerve being exposed. add to that all the pathways becoming 're-wired', all the senses are opening wide, all these wonderful signals are coming in and it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

remember the balance. not just logically, but physically and fisically as well.

this has to be an organic, not just logical, balance.

rolling stone

cat, ain't too proud to beg, sweet darlin'

bates motel

relationships are a funny thing. often they are like two ships passing perilously close in the night. despite all emergency and disaster drills it comes down to emergency decisions taken in the fuddle of the moment.

no matter the streamlining done before an encounter, these two ships have their own agenda. they can only survive if they work for a win-win. if one tries to dominate or loses control, the other must flee for safety. it can return later for survivors.

both rely on communication, sometimes as primitive as committing to a course change or signal lights. other times a radio message. but they are linked as strong as magnetic twins until the valence is broken.

the only guidance is to adhere to a standard, like reasonable and prudent erring on the side of kindness. maybe that's why poor richard published an almanac.

case study

there's a lot to be said for diagnosis from successful treatment. what does this picture paint for you ?

zyprexa, zoloft and topamax are effective but leave side effects
loperamide relieves one side effect when it acts as a cns depressant (neutralizing some of the above)
migraines occur despite topamax, relpax not effective therefore not vascular dilation
nicotine response neutral
probable cause is seratonin reaction coupled with nerve
sensitivity and sinus inflammation
incomplete metabolic process cause unknown, multi-vitamin and fiber supplement taken to offset
acid reflux
high cholesterol

three cranial nerve pressure points known to cause migraines
cataract surgery indicated

wbc 11.9
neu% 81.0
lymph% 13.2
neutro 9.6
chlor, ser 110
co2 24
glucose 112
pco2 33.1
po2 103.6
hco3-act 20.2
be -3.7

physical rehabilitation for four weeks, compliant.

divorced, one child on medicare disability, no job, no drivers license.

this could indicate a picture of a not quite streamlined bi-polar individual. it would be interesting to hear from the audience. be a mirror for this patient and let him know what he looks like!


weebles cycle until they stop.

hopefully while bi-polars cycle they enjoy the experience of the world. it's a fantastic place.

maybe the kinetic energy of cycling can be channeled into creative outlets ?

i've seen and heard too much negative commentary lately. sure there are a lot of things not like they could be, but constantly passing judgement isn't healthy. and not adding constructive opportunities is worse.

see, that was just a simple x - y axis problem when all the baggage isn't attached. add in a disposition toward kindness and a tendency toward toward pro-action. viola!

simplicity may be complex but it doesn't have to be complicated. unfortunately it's subject to first amendment criticism and ridicule as well. that's why hand rail and observation is important. act to a public, reasonable, prudent standard then look in the mirror. if you weeble grab the handrail.

when you're ready, create!

hand rails

before going off the track ... bi-polars are dependant on their medications to be independant. paradox right ? who can cut through that ?

they have to make enough money to buy the house to stay in, the food to eat, the meds to take, the doctors they visit, etc.. so they go to a job which creates the stress to send them back to the doctors who must make sure the meds are correct, that they make sure the coping strategies are working, etc..

vicious circle.

"weebles wobble but they don't fall down"


another aspect of bi-polar illness is perservation. dwelling on situations longer than appropriate. but who can determine appropriate ? that's really the question being faced.

google is a real example of trying to be suitable and appropriate each second of every day. but just like adding character recognition for every post, there's a creative component to every human endevour that's not quite quantifiable though it is repeatable.

the paradox is that this bi-polar is functional while observed. simply having the hand rail is enough not to need the hand rail, having the medications is enough to control the bi-polar illness. but there's still the feeling of being a weeble - imagine a slight electrolyte, anion gap, just like a small dc current is passing through the body. there's three rhythms: chemical, heart, lungs. muscles expand and contract. left and right side of the brain dominate or integrate. you feel unbalanced like a weeble.

peacock gateway

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here i be

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mom with care, she needs more

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with care 2

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i can't see! open your eyes!

if you can see back and you can see present then you can hold a mirror in front to peek at the future. how ? well, choose the angle of incidence and reflection. (fanciful but descriptive names)

i'm going to backstop myself by reading _blink_ on this, but i expect to find that our bodies are chemically programmed to respond to stimula. that somewhere along the line our choice of response to stimula wasn't healthy, but it got to be an ingrained response anyway.

of course other factors such as heredity (genetics), environment and diet affect what choices we have available.

so you have to manage those choices backwards to find what the healthy responses were. make the healthy choices repeatedly. make sure you understand them and their reasons.

the legal goal of everyman is to be reasonable and prudent.

reasonable: appropriate in a particular situation
prudent: acting with or showing care and thought for the future

characters welcome

usa network touts the idea that 'characters are welcome'. that's great as far as it goes. today's society is into streamlining everything. the norm is idealized. anything offering resistance in worn down by the air flow. is that good ? i don't know.

there is _a_ truth, biological truth, logical truth, emotional truth, revealed truth.

things can be planned for, predicted, searched against historical data, but until something happens no one knows. and it isn't until after it happens that any one knows what would have been better.

so you can always look back to see what was in that blind spot. the question is how to prepare for it in the future.

religious side note

since my father was a minister i was always destined to follow down that path. well i did. and i always ask myself questions. like: would greek orthodox christianity consider that

God provides
Christ reveals
Holy Spirit enables

of course there's a warning about religious affectations in bi-polar individuals.


i got the knickname 'cap' when i first went on compuserve and chatted with my friends at teamb. i never capitalized my posts .

when i actually got a teamb 'cap' i learned about the folks online who got too agitated when they posted under pressure and posted. the best example was "teh". it was dyslexia for the keyboard.

wonder if bi-polar is dyslexia for concepts ?

barbar poles

as this thought rearrangement goes on the body is adapting as well. anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, ssri and mood stabilizing agents used to treat bi-polar patients also affect migrainous nerve endings, electrolytes, stomach processes and other areas.

depression therapy is said to effect areas in the inner left area of the brain. it's also said to cause manic periods where the patient feels that the absolute truth is being revealed to them, so consider the warning label

by enhancing the serotonin process the meds compensate for the 'illness' but have the side-effect of raising serotonin in the system. this is paradoxical since the presence of serotonin in the gi lining is thought by some to cause diarrhea thus causing further improper metabolism of ingested foods. if there's a problem metabolising tryptophan to serotonin, the very action of correct metabolism would cause a problem thus shutting down further metabolism.

*** warning will robinson ***
this reads like a good thing to test for a bad reason. why ? because it ends in a tautology. any time a discussion ends in a lack of a decision or results in a tautology there must be a fundamental flaw in the reasoning. remember plato's theory of the shadows in the cave.

dimensional logic

at first thought is linear with all that implies.

it graduates to x - y, and then comes the need for balance. just like walking a tightrope.

from the need for balance comes an observer which necessitates a three dimensional view. now things are rolling. everything begins to open up and actualize. all experience is new and you haven't even noticed how far the onion layers have peeled back.

because you've looked away and become involved in the process the balance has shifted internally. look externally and interact. become calm. note the interactions. shift to observing.

nature is wonderful especially music and pictures. language is a challenge as the word in writing is a phonetical representation of a sound and not a picture of an object.

goals are good. they are something to help with the next level of four dimensions, time. achieving by a certain date is a reality check. reality checks are important. it is very easy to slip back into behaviour that is in the 'blind spot' of congnative thinking.

for example doing the right thing for the wrong reason: smoking a cigarette may be to pamper oneself for 10 minutes. certainly it enables a psychological trigger that rewards pampering oneself. vicious cycle.

this leads to the next dimension of quantuum physicists, which i am not, of colors, shapes, textures, etc. which describe attributes not available by the other four labels.

onions anions

the first step in understanding is to realize that any explanation is useless. it can only point to an action that makes sense after it's taken and reviewed in light of the results. this is a typical 'doing the right thing for the wrong reasons'. the book _BLINK_ dicusses this.

the following statements are fiction and do not purport to be of anything but imagination or conjecture. read them entirely at your own risk. by reading them you agree that your use of them for whatever use you make of them is by your own choice and hold the author free from any liability. this applies to anything placed on the board by this author.

next is to place oneself in the center of an onion. motivate peeling off the innermost layer. this should change the serotonin levels. if properly done, no change in the biology occurs. if there is a change then something may become manifest in sweats, anion gap imbalance or other chemical reaction.

these chemical reactions may be well within normal range and non-suspicious to doctors and laypersons. they may be seen as preserveration and panic attacks. the individual may present as reasonable and calm.

however this must be viewed in light of some famous personalities such as adrian monk (fiction), jimi hendrix (musician) and soren kierkegaard (philosopher).


this begins a new journey chronicling the adventures of a bi-polar adult facing challenges in the 'real' world. it is not intended to be either objective or subjective, neither a clinical study nor a diary, but simply a record of honest data revealed as it occurs. hopefully recorded as it happens.

of course all observations are tinted by the observer so 'who watches the watchers ?' applies.