Sunday, January 08, 2023

Fixing a broken system

 I have a pet peeve I want to erase and little resources to do it with. Unless I get some help online.

We all have a common enemy: APATHY. Too many people refuse to commit beyond what's squozen from them. How many times have you needed a little more from the system to fix aa problem and NOTHING you can say will produce that spark ? That creates a depandency on the court system, then vilify the lawyers.

I've come from 8 years homelessness, most caused by a lawyer conning me from my inheritance. Proving how people will say anything and then back out on it.

These days though I'm in a program for a healthy housing program. But I wake late every morning after a late night trying to fall asleep. I wake unable to breathe. I reported back, toxic mold that has been here since moving in over 2 years ago. The people running the program have most of the state because a Federal DOJ program and the prior non-profit was fired from administered three counties. 

The report to apartment management resulted in a notice to vacate in November. The non-profit won't get protection in writing and I could be put on the street any day since they won't fashion a new lease. In fact, they'll put nothing in writing. 

I'm looking for honest decent partners to help me with alternatives.


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