Tuesday, April 11, 2006

for amy

the window of action focuses on indivduality not character. that is how you will truly know a person's worth.

this speaks to me, does it speak to you ?

the perfect ansel adams grey scale done in color. in deed. Posted by Picasa

pa 1938

rose, frank, sallie Posted by Picasa

journaler's notes 4.11.2006 17:27

he is a 16 year old with 22 years experience.

his notes : " inspiration - inspired perserveration
receptive - in ceptive"

notes 4.11.2006 11:30

truth is a two edged sword simply agonizingly held before the pressure of the future slicing it into the past.

we all grow up seeking the perfect metaphor to re present the truth

author's note 4.11.2006 11:02

there's a huge problem with internet services these days: portal focus.

some services focus on ip address resolution to provide services to a single user. they are accessed by a singular website address. others use a unique website address under the domain. still others use a full domain name. all can use verification 'cookies'.

as all of these schemes fall on a sliding scale they don't quite address the need to allow multiple logins from an administrator or a user with multiple tasks. foldershare is one example. in this instance a user must authenticate between two valid instances in order to securely transfer files.

wouldn't it be better if internet service providers adopted the service strategy that tcp/ip services used ? then there could be capwalker666@yahoo.com:1 and so on ...

notes 4.11.2006 09:16

everything in threes

when i wake up i grab a cigarette, i take a drink and i sit back to think. today i realized that the cigarette raises my heart rate and the drink is untreated well water or caffienated. the more i 'felt myself' the more i chose to drink flavored drinks like tea or sodas, which don't hydrate you well and i don't drink as many. and of course the cigarettes pump in nicotiene, so i'm more jittery so i smoke more. vicious cycle.

who's the third person in these pictures ?