Friday, March 31, 2006

unique proofs

the patient has related some symptoms today that bear repeating. he's had trouble with the keyboard today "lysdexia" and asked me to enter them instead...

as proof of knowing the right things without knowing why he cites the supreme court decisions on pornography where one justice declared that he couldn't define it but knew it when he saw it. eventually it was left for the local community to decide.

on how he does the right thing for the wrong reason, his doctor firmly corrected his self diagnosis. rather than having a serotonin deficit is was more likely a serotonin glut.

for cognative dyslexia or dissonance, if he needs to go beyond his lysdexia, he offers two other incidents: the first was after he left the doctor's office. he looked up to the clouds, they were travelling one way but the wind was blowing another. that completely befuddled him. he could not interpret what was at work or what it meant. the next event was when he went grocery shopping. he was confronted with three ways a soft drink was packaged: there was two packages of 6 of 12 oz for $5.00, one 12 of 12 oz for 3.29, one for 6 of .5 liter for 2.50 or 18 of 12 oz for 4.29. well he had to take out a pad and write this down first. he quickly discarded the option for .5 liters since he couldn't convert it to ounces. then he looked at a difference of 8 more ounces for only $1.00 and chose that. which one do you figure is cheaper ?

journalistic ideograms 3.31.2006

as a journalist i can only report the bare facts and experiences related to me. in this case the patient is displays of cycling between perspectives rapidly. my only suggestion to resolve this issue is to have an interested party to whom he can report. i cannot fulfill this role as i must be unbiased and detached.

he has noted this need by his handrail analogy. by being required to focus externally he would self impose a healthy structure to his internal systems. while it appears paradoxical this external reality check is necessary to change his cognative dyslexia, in essence straightening out the image he sees and implements.

in a cost benefit ratio, supervisory oversight would involve less time and resources than allowing him to "act out."

american judicial

the presumption is the united states is that everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. that requires evidence, which means facts that can be established, audio or video recordings, written agreements, documentation, etc.. in short the facts must be re-presented. then either a jury or judge must decide based on eitherthe weight of the evidence or beyond a reasonable doubt.

this is too easily forgotten when making decisions for the future.

observations 3.31.2006

it is my observation that the patient is preservating on the aftermath of events trying to find out what was wrong with making a decision when he should be looking foward aand asking what was right with it. he should have stopped before moving and sought ahead, applying a prudent course, not a standard.

about to publish family history!

i am about to publish what i can remember of the family history. speak now or forever hold your peace!