Wednesday, March 29, 2006

int 2

interrupt handling is tricky code, a combination art and science. it has to handle spontaneous events yet process routine tasks during idle time. and itself takes time. predictive algorhythms can be used for scheduling availability.

most everything uses interrupt handlers in preparation for an event. the key is not to use it during an event. when an event occurs it deserves due attention, a new priority. reserve time to re-evaluate, re-consider.

remember the triad of plan for the worst, expect the best, reconsider the results ?

future friends

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google == reintoad
capn666 == ??

sad to report

it's hard to report this patient's conditions and remain objective. there are some very hard challenges to his mental, physical and fiscal health. though it is encouraging to note that he seems to be fine spiritually.

as a baseline the theraputic levels of medications he reports to have returned him to feeling as if he was back to being 17 again. this includes physical fitness and weight, mental ability and maturity, as well as ability to face new challenges.

his biggest challenge is family life. he feels that the obligations of the men from his mother's life (her father, brother and husband) were thrust upon him. he has not decided to take them. his instinctive reaction is to share what he can give freely and avoid the rest. this clashes with urgings to comply with precise detailed demands done in her own specifications by his mother and others as if he was an extension of hers. he feels that would make him subserviant, under a bond of obediance, and not willing to commit to that. he still holds out for a win-win situation. his defense is her inability to feel another's emotions and her lack of goals that he could accomplish in his own way.

after a divorce he has one teenage child. visitation is a problem as he has no drivers license and she lives at least 50 miles away. his ex-wife will occasionally visit bringing his child, but does not routinely call with news and updates on activities like the separation agreement specifies.

amy, his daughter, does not seek him out. this in itself is a huge issue. since a big stressor is this patient's father's estate which his mother won't sell, it devolves on him to protect it without having any authority to do so. and so the next generation would be handed the same responsibility unless his brother steps in. his brother has been sent mail to the old address.

amy does not reply to email and doesn't extend conversation on the phone. but the patient is very proud of her achievements as related by her mother. the patient would like to allow amy to learn more of her heritage and the estate. then she could make a decision about whether she wanted to appropriately handle the tradition.

i can already hear the voices saying that amy is a minor and that the ex-wife will have to act in behalf. true. will she adhere to an advanced directive ? what about when he needs the gall bladder and eye surgery ? he won't be able to take care of himself, he can't impose on others, certainly not an 83 year old mother. and unless the doctor places him a hospital, there really isn't an alternative.

and this is the exact situation that will happen when the health coverage he has expires in 12/31/2006. since his money to pay for the coverage will be exhausted at the same time, the issue is moot. what he needs to find there is how much medicare part d will cost, if a secondary insurance is available and for how much (is it affordable). then he has to see if he can get a job to pay for it or change his environment and get a job. in other words, he's not assured of being healthy much longer.

back to amy and ex-wife. the patient needs family to keep social contact because he's naturally a loner, listening but not talking. with his migraines talking and concentrating actually hurt.

phone calls and emails are great for keeping up to date but lack spontaneous interaction and exchange. love is a verb first and a noun second. that means it implies action between two or more individuals.

because the patient has secondary physical custody and scheduled visitation, but cannot compel the minor child, he is willing and able to go by her residence. however, he is currently without a driver's license and when processed it is recommended that he be limited to daylight driving locally. so he has no way to get there and no right to be able to do anything if he did.

it's particularly painful to see that no family members have become involved. it takes a depth and breadth of experience to fathom what is happening. both the patient and his mother have been slipstreamed into the system and so appear functional. yet the test for functionality determines only that an individual can make reasonable and prudent decisions. but the emphasis should be on prudent, looking for the future and possible emergencies.

in this case the patient's mother is only capable of making decisions if confronted with facts to make a decision from. is that actually making a decision ? she isn't capable of handling an emergency or anything outside of her realm of expectations. but the patient can't evaluate that. someone else has to.

as for the patient, he's able to proactively make decisions. but it's questionable as to whether he can respond to an emergency situation. certainly a fire or robber in the home is beyond his capacity. and with the windows barred closed it's somewhat of a hazard itself anyway.

the oxford english dictionary defines support as "give help, encouragement, or approval to be actively interested in."


don't let anyone ever dismiss you. for some reason you are here.

now appropriate presentation is necessary, but just because someone has something else to do is no reason not to expect that reasonable and prudent interaction shouldn't happen. duh ...


when a picture is taken of a mirror you see the image of the camera in the mirror. now add a mirror in back of the camera and the first mirror reflects the second mirror reflecting the first ...

there are many such cycles in life and the body responds to such cycles. find the internal cycles of chemical processes, blood pumping and thoughts triggering. externals such as musical beats, poetic meter, birds singing, motors running, even grass growing, though slowly even the rain has a pattering arhythmical sound.

each of these cycles is a process of a evolving triad. triads are not unique to any one culture though the egyptians embodied them the best by making them with a fourth dimension (paradoxical, eh?)

in this case the triad is based on phenomenological guidelines of experience - acquire - define. experience the raw data of the sensory inputs, process them into meaningful input, interpret the input into categories for response.

remember that by this process you are rendering the data in a way that can never be wholly objective. the best you can do is to adhere to an accepted standard of repeatable conduct (just like a mirror).

dog and cat

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we call them american indians. actually 'american' comes from a european mapmaker and 'indian' comes from the idea that the explorers of the time were seeking the east indies. i understand they call themselves the people.

they had civilizations across both continents, each tribe with its own territory. not quite the city-states of greece, there was still trade within the land masses.

while very few philophies or theologies can be accepted in toto the people have quite a few customs worth noting. a fasciniating quality is their patience. an oft repeated adage is 'you must wait until the water settles to see to the bottom of the spring'. they make their decisions with due care and then act on them.

the forced marches of resettlement are a shame. my father's land is from the civil war and has a graveyard there. in it are tombstones some of which are marked and some aren't. some are supposed to be from local indians.

boot strapping

observing onself, or peeling the onion from inside, is an old technique of restarting. just like a computer reboots.

there's a small bit of code that remains essentially unchanged in a chip that reads more code that can change from the hard disk drive. both have to remain synchronized to insure that they can talk to each other.

i was confronted by this essential truth when a hardware technician had me reset the bios to it's default factory setting. seems that the machine thought it was running a serial ata drive and would run a test on it fine. in fact it was a parallel ata drive and windows xp knew that and would not run on it.

seems that just because your hardware runs your software won't necessarily cooperate.

fear of flying

the patient has a history of panic attacks during flight. his symptoms are loss of control, severe agitation, sweating, nausea, confusion. this can be attributed to a mass production of seratonin in reaction to an overwhelming loss of balance.

imagine a radical change in perspective so that the reference points necessary to 'know which end is up' are confused. the body is shocked and startled. the system is alarmed and fighting to 'right' itself.

what is called for calm and patience. what the individual sees instead is risk. congnative therapy confronts a wall of the patient's balancing small percentages of something happening yet if something was to happen it would be fatal.

the panic-er can't reach past that wall to make the decision to take the risk. they stay on the fence, balancing between the two opposing forces, causing their systems to react in a panic. if they were to make a decision to go or stay would allieviate that panic once they commited to it.

try that for yourself. get into a situation where you feel yourself at the very edge of your balance and then extend your weight.


the patient relates his migraines to three trigger points on the left crainal area upper hemisphere all adjacent to blood vessels. one is at the top of the skull in a slight depression, one is occipital toward the sinus, another is above the jaw, forward of the ear in the slight depression of the sinus.

neurological scans have been negative. however any slight pressure have brought pain lasting hours or even days. this is complicated by the patient's allergies creating sinus pressure which expands the region putting pressure on those nerves.

walker's law

a good friend in teamb, charlie russel, had an insight into my psyche he coined as 'before you do something you have to do something else'. well, it's true

it's re-mark-able. that is by definition able to be marked again. that's what all this is. the process of returning to the definition of words and correctly applying them without their baggage.

i know i was going to say more but i forgot it ...

tautology 102

i'd like to rconsider to use an example of the 'doing the right things for the wrong reason' blind spot examples and apply reconsideration to it.

the subject needs loperamide to correct a stomach condition which comes when the medications for bi-polar are at theraputic effectiveness. the same symptoms first occurred at about age 16 - 17 when the subject confronted the fact of going away to collage. while many tests were run (allergies, helio bacter pylori, ulcer, etc.) and tested positive the compensatory mechanisms did not eliminate the underlying problem.

the bi-polar meds control serotonin mechanisms as does loperamide. it seems that seratonin action is the key. too much activity results in gastric distress, too little results in bi-polar reation. is there a problem in metobolizing tryptophan into seratonin ? that could be assessed by a trytophan load test. or is it that when creating, the subject is faced with an exciting situation, causing an increase in seratonin levels which in turn excites the areas causing stomach distress ?

puff the magic dragon

the blind spot calls for reconsideration, that is, when you feel the blind spot encroaching, reconsider. ironically that's a habit that gets enforced by smoking. time taken for a real puff is when people 'zen out' and let their situation sink in. that actionb could be replaced in a non-smoker with a stop-hold command to self.

anyway, in that moment, it becomes important to note the balance of factors present in the situation. take time to stretch, relax the muscles and postpone a decision until the options are clear enough to make an appropriate decision.

see, fascination can be thought of as a biochemical response to an interesting situation, allowing a valence to develop for an experience to be explored. remember that this is a choice now, not just a chemical organic reaction predetermined by your ancestors. so choose wisely from your soul.

proactive health

it helps that the subject has taken a prudent approach to health care. as coverage and money ends with the fiscal year, expected expenses (surgery for gall bladder, cataract surgery, bi-polar medication ongoing, routine doctor visits) will exceed medicare disability income even with a sponsored job.

planning an appropriate response to this challenge will take help. patient has already contacted healthcare providers coaches for guidance on how to proceed both now and in the future. unfortunately the advice has been limited to the present.

further progress on physical therapy, dietetic programs, stop smoking, health insurance planning and maintaining fiscal responsibility have been placed on hold. this adds greatly to the current stress the patient experiences.


the subject's diet is fairly regular
breakfast : granola, tea, active culture yogurt, possibly a bananna
lunch: meat sandwich, applesauce, soft drink
dinner: frozen entree of meat and vegetable, dessert, soft drink
hydration: usually water, some soft drink or tea
snack: granola bar or chocolate